Sunday, May 22, 2011

What about the Food? you ask

I love Japanese food and would like to eat out for every meal. Alas, the budget is tiny and food here is outrageously expensive. Also, if you get a bowl of something hot, there is so much even I can't eat it all (doggie bags are a no-no). Often, after a day of walking non-stop, I don't even feel much like eating anything.

So here's what I've found to be cheap, nutritious and I can eat it at the hotel. I go the the grocery store called Gourmet City and pick up my morning yoghurt. Then to a bakery called Le Repas and select a melon bun fresh from the oven.  I've developed a serious melon bun habit which will be very hard to break when I get home.

For lunch and/or dinner, back to Gourmet City for freshly prepared veggie sushi. Maybe a side salad. And today, a special treat - an ice cream  bar with chocolate and almonds.

That keeps the food budget around $10.00 per day. Which then leaves money for trains, buses, museum and attraction fees.

Ah - the good life.

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